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Alternatively, if you have Internet banking, you can make a one-off donation online via BACS or set up a Monthly or Annual Standing Order yourself using the following Account details:

​Barclays Bank plc
Sort code 20-60-88
Account number 00030740
for the credit of: Friends of St Mary's Totnes

​Please use DON or STO followed by your surname as the reference, e.g.

​'DON Jones' for a donation, or
'STO Smith' for a Standing Order.

Please advise of your kind donation by sending an email to

Thank you!
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Community & Safeguarding

If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak
to either o
ur Parish Safeguarding Rep 

Allson Fisher on 07956 425887 or The Diocesan Safeguarding Team

For all other enquiries, click here

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