Policy Statement for the Safeguarding of Children and Adults at Risk at Totnes St Mary’s with St John’s Bridgetown
As members of the PCC we commit our church community to the support, nurture, protection and safeguarding of all, especially the young and vulnerable. We recognise that our work with children, young people and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of the whole church community. We are fully committed to acting within current legislation, guidance, national frameworks, and the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and procedures.
We will also act in an open, transparent, and accountable way in working in partnership with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Children and Adult Social Care Services, the Police, Probation Services, and other agencies to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. We welcome staff and volunteers who are recruited in accordance with the House of Bishops’ Interim Guidelines on Safer Recruitment 2013. This means we will ensure that those who are employed or who volunteer to work with children, young people, and vulnerable adults are suitable for the role, that they know what the role entails, and that they are supported in carrying it out.
Persons within the PCC and this Parish who hold formal responsibilities and the prime duty of care for safeguarding are:
Team Rector The Reverend Fr Jim Barlow 07775 356652
Safeguarding Officer Alison Fisher 07956 425887

Acting Safeguarding Officer:
Costa Nassaris:
01392 294 969/ 07809 339501
Deputy Safeguarding officer:
James May:
01392 345910/ 07889 542646
CCPAS (Churches Child Protection Advisory Service) Helpline – (state you are calling from Exeter Diocese) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
0845 1204550
0800 1111 / text 1098
0808 800 222
NSPCC helpline (for those affected by abuse)
0800 3895344
Police (all non-emergency enquiries)
PCSO Jason Vasey 07971290297
Concerns about Children
Devon Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):
0345 155 1071
Concerns about adults
Devon – Care Direct:
0345 155 1007
Domestic Abuse
Devon Domestic Abuse Service:
0345 155 1074
Locally Totnes Connection Hub: 01803 840354
Rape Crisis
Devon & Torbay:
01392 204174