Bible Study
with a difference
This bible study group seeks to engage with the sacred text in a way that is deep and illuminating. The aim is to read and hear the text with a fuller appreciation of what it may have conveyed to its original audience, respecting the fact that it is comes from a particular historical context, is carefully constructed, sometimes dangerous or even mistaken, but always alive to the living spiritual power it transmits to this day.

Because of this our pace is slow, not quite as slow as lectio divina, but rarely getting through more than one chapter a session.
In 2022 the group began working its way through the mysterious gospel of Mark, so often overlooked, sandwiched between its big brothers Matthew and Luke. That journey reached its mid-point in early summer 2023 and continues. When we get to the end of Mark, we will probably go on to 1 and 2 Corinthians.

Participants don’t have to read aloud, there are plenty of volunteers to do that, but everyone is encouraged to share the questions, insights and feelings that the text awakens in them. You don’t have to be a bible scholar, just open to hearing the words as if for the first time.
Sessions run on Fridays from 7.30pm to 9pm at St. John’s Bridgetown and, for those who choose, are often followed by a convivial hour in the Albert.
From autumn 2023 there should be two sessions a month.
Each session tries to be as self-contained as possible, so it it doesn’t matter if the occasional one is missed.
For further information contact Fr Jim on 07775356652 or e-mail: