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St Peter’s, Cornworthy

Dedicated to St Peter, this church is the second oldest building in the village, its fabric mostly dating from the 14th Century.

The early-16th-century screen is still in place – look for the pomegranates connected with Catherine of Aragon - and there is an almost complete set of Georgian pews dating from 1788. Inside them there are unique 19th-century graffiti. The font is Norman and points to the fact that there was once a much earlier structure than the one we see now.


The church is open all day and there is a good church guide and a trail for younger visitors. 

Find out more on the website.

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Community & Safeguarding

If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak
to either o
ur Parish Safeguarding Rep 

Allson Fisher on 07956 425887 or The Diocesan Safeguarding Team

For all other enquiries, click here

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