Totnes Team Events
On this page you will find details of services, house groups, quiet days etc. Do keep checking back as information will be updated as we journey through Lent.
'Come and see'
This is the Exeter Diocese Lent Course for 2024. Further details can be found here but it is also being offered locally from Monday 19th February, 7.30–9pm at the Old Schoolroom, Stoke Gabriel.
Lent Quiet Morning
Tuesday 20 February St John's Church
Bridgetown, Totnes
Led by Revd Jane Frost, Associate Priest & Richard Frost, Licensed Lay Minister, Totnes Ministry Team .
This Quiet Morning will offer space and time to reflect on the period of Lent and preparing for Holy Week & Easter. There will be two short talks, times of silence and prayer. All are welcome.
Booking required by email: richardnfrost@outlook.com or tel: 01803 525171
A donation will be requested to caver costs.
Keeping Lent - Support Group
Small group for those following traditional Lenten observances
Fridays 1230-2pm through Lent, with Fr. Jim.
Please contact him if you are interested: fr.jim@totnesrectory.co.uk
Compline in Lent
A weekly Zoom offering Wednesdays at 9pm led by members of the Totnes Team
for zoom link please contact Rev'd Chris Harris
Twilight and Evening Bell
A celebration of choral music with readings
Free admission
(retiring collection in aid of St. Marys)
Tea and biscuits
Saturday 24th February
4pm at St. Mary's Dartington
Glimpsing the Divine
4 week house group
An encounter with the mystery of God through poetry
Tuesdays 6 - 7 pm, February 27, March 5, 12, and 19, peter.hilken@ntlworld.com
Prayer, Study, Work
Saturday, 16th March
10am–1pm at The Vicarage, Week, Dartington.
Drawing upon the Benedictine rhythms of prayer, study, and work, this quiet morning will give time for all three, including saying Morning Prayer together, silent reflection upon Scripture, studying that Scripture together, and engaging ourselves in something practical. There will be a choice of the work activity depending on ability (and possibly the weather!). We will end with a simple lunch.
Contact Revd. Chris if you are interested in coming: chris@totnesrectory.co.uk or 07503151835.